Concerns rise about Summit Carbon Solutions’ project in North Dakota

Aug. 18, 2022

“…Essentially, central North Dakota will be a dump site for carbon dioxide, and because of this, many are worried about this project.

“This is a private property rights issue and that’s why all these landowners are here and mainly it’s because a private company wants to essentially use eminent domain to take private property owners’ land in order to instruct an interstate pipeline,” said Scott Skokos. That is the Dakota Resource Council Executive Director, Scott Skokos, who is helping landowners in our state know their rights when a pipeline goes under their land.

He says North Dakota landowners should not be forced to sign easements or give up their land involuntarily, especially for a project with a lot of risks.

“Also, a dangerous project that’s coming through here. CO2 and pressurized CO2 can explode, we don’t want landowners in North Dakota to have to be guinea pigs for this especially if it’s just essentially a federal tax credit boondoggle,” Skokos explained.

He shares that the goal right now is to educate landowners.

“We’re urging landowners and local government to put up whatever kind of stop sign they can so different ordinances against this project, as well as trying to get individual landowners to contact the North Dakota public service commission, who will ultimately be the decision-maker on this if this project goes forward in North Dakota to tell them that we as north as a North Dakota don’t want this because their elected officials that will be responsible for permitting this project,” said Skokos.

He says this is the largest project of its scale here in our state.

One upset community member who attended the meeting even made access denied signs for all affected in an attempt to protect their land.”


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